XFIRE is an intelligent addressable fire alarm control panel with 1 loop, expandable to 2, able to manage up to max 480 devices (detectors,
IN/OUT modules, call points, sounders, etc.). The X FIRE control panel has been designed and produced with advanced technologies in our R&D
department and it allows the realization of both the complex plants and small fire systems, with the possibility to be extended in a second time.
With XFIRE, it is possible to create a network of a max 60 interconnected control panels.
XFire Analog, Control Panel
448.93 €
• 480 total devices on loop
• 2 loops
• alarm and fault output
• supervised output for external devices
• ethernet card for IP network
• card for interconnection between XFIRE control units
• 485 isolated serial port for external supervisors
Temperatura di funzionamento: -5°C to +40°C
Dimensioni: mm. 490 x 380 x 110
Grado di protezione: IP 34
Batterie allocabili: 2 x 12V – 17Ah
Assorbimento max dalla rete: 2 A / 230 Vac, 9 A / 115 Vac – 1
Tensione loop: 35-37 Vdc
Massima corrente loop: 500 mA
Uscita supervisionata per dispositivi esterni: 500 mA 24 Vdc
Uscite guasto – 24V e guasto – NAC: 200 mA
Uscite allarme – 24V e allarme – NAC: 500 mA
Lunghezza max. loop / dimensioni cavo: 75 mmq, per 1 Km diam. 0
Tensione di alimentazione: 6 – 15Vdc, 9
EN 54-13
EN 54-2
EN 54-21
EN 54-4